Bernie Doyle
Chair & CEO, NSCA Foundation
Bernie Doyle is the Chair & CEO of the NSCA Foundation. He has actively worked in the automotive industry, holding positions in both supply organizations and manufacturing. This experience includes over 20 years of service with General Motors in the UK. Bernie has been a Director of the NSCA Foundation for over 25 years and the Chairman of the company for nearly 15 years. He is an honorary life member of the NSCA Foundation and was recognized by the South Australian government in 2005 with an award for Outstanding Achievements in the area of Health and Safety. Bernie retired in early 2014. In addition to his dedication to the National Safety Council of Australia Foundation, Bernie also provides consultancy services to several small to medium organizations through his company, Improvement Inc. He serves as a Director on several boards. Furthermore, Bernie was appointed as the Secretary-General & Director of APOSHO, the Asian Pacific Occupational Safety Health Organization, in 2018.