Dr. Dheera Phong-anant

Advisory Council of the ISSA Mining Division Board


Dheera Phong-anant, has been a specialist in the area of OSH&E, innovation development, as well as an active trainer/consultant on management systems, HRM and HRD. For the past 20 years, he has held a number of key positions in Thailand, including a Board member and General Manager of SHAWPAT (Safety and Health at Work Organization (Thailand); Vice President of Manufacturing as well as Vice President of HR Division, Samart Corp. PCL; Director of the Office of the Board of Innovation Development Fund, NSTDA. As one of SHAWPAT’s representatives, he has been working and associated actively with the Asia Pacific OSH Organization (APOSHO) family for many years. Previously, Dheera had also spent over 20 years in Australia completing his B.E., M.E. and PhD. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Newcastle, NSW, and working at the University of Newcastle and ACIRL Ltd. in research and consulting on atmospheric environment and coal combustion technology. He had written over 50 technical papers and publications and been a co-owner of US, Japanese and Australian Patents on Energy Discovery Process from Industrial Wastes. Presently, Dheera has been acting as a member of Advisory Council of the ISSA Mining Division Board, ISSA and a qualified trainer in safety, health and well-being based on ISSA’s Vision Zero strategy. He is now working as a principal trainer/consultant for SHAWPAT’s Thailand Vision Zero Center and has been promoting safety culture for Thai SME’s and various sectors of industries based on the Vision Zero Strategy.