Tucker Mendoza

Group Manager of Spill Response Associate of America

With an impressive 35-year career dating back to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Mr. Tucker Mendoza, a seasoned third-generation Louisiana fisherman, boasts extensive experience in responding to both man-made and natural disasters, encompassing hazardous and non-hazardous materials incidents throughout the United States.

His emergency response background involves various ocean and land spills, anthrax cleanup, and notable oil spill projects like the Nigeria Delta. Managing a diverse range of industrial emergency spill responses, he has demonstrated effective oversight of critical elements, including safety protocols, planning, billing, budgeting, sales, equipment staging, and material transportation.

Leveraging over a decade of volunteer studies, both in the field and elsewhere, Mr. Mendoza actively explores innovative methods and technologies to develop his proprietary oil spill response training course. Currently, he passionately seeks a challenging role as a global spokesperson, strike team leader, and instructor, propelled by a powerful desire to instil passion and knowledge in the next generation of spill responders while maintaining a personal commitment to continuous education in the field.

His extensive skill set includes nine Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) certifications, solidifying his comprehensive expertise in emergency response and management. Additionally, Mr. Mendoza serves as the Creator and Director of the Spill Response Association and holds the position of Chief Editor for the Global 21 oil spill response and training Newsletter.